Taking the fight across the pond

I was so fortunate to be asked to speak at the Fighting Blindness Retina 2015 International Conference, supported by Novartis, which took place in Croke Park, Dublin, Ireland! Sight loss affects ~224,000 people in Ireland today and is projected to rise to 272,000 by the year 2020. For more, visit www.fightingblindness.ie

It was a fantastic opportunity to brainstorm and catch up with some of my favorite colleagues. And where else would it be possible to give a seminar at a hurling stadium?!!  What an amazing group!


Fighting Blindness Retina 2015 international conference, supported by Novartis, which took place in Croke Park (November 6 & 7). Fighting Blindness called for the establishment of a National Registry for Patients with Eye Disease to capture more common eye diseases and to ensure timely and equitable access for patients to cutting-edge treatments and therapies as they emerge. Sight loss affects some 224,000 people in Ireland today and is projected to rise to 272,000 by the year 2020. For more, visit www.fightingblindness.ie The event saw some of the world's leading experts in vision research come together with patients to hear of the latest developments around the globe in the search for blindness treatments and cures, including new gene therapies and drug treatments being developed, and clinical trials taking place.   Picture by Shane O'Neill Photography.